A downloadable game

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Mutant Possum Cowboys is a quick-play RPG where ya take the roll of talkin' possums who have taken it upon themselves ta help tha' townsfolk of tha' Wild West. 

Yer a Mutant Possum Cowboy. Yer posse is part of tha' Order of tha' Gun, dedicated ta wanderin’ from Town ta Town in “Roadkill County,” tha' Mutated Deserts of tha' Wild West, offerin’ help where needed against mutated critters and all sorts of Ne'er-Do-Wells. 

Players: 2-6

Play Time: 1-3 hours per game session.

What ya need: a copy of tha' rules (included), paper and writin' utensils, and ~4 six sided dice per player.

Created by: Parker Charles Kehret [itch]

Illustrated by: Anne Farris [instagram]

Edited by: Emma Snyder


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Mutant_Possum_Cowboys_singles.pdf 1,018 kB
Mutant_Possum_Cowboys_spread.pdf 1,017 kB


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(1 edit)

Hey there, quick question, what exactly do traits do? Its not really explained.

Hi, thanks for asking!

The traits are purely there for character flavoring and to encourage roleplaying. They have no mechanical effects associated with them.

Ah! I see, thank you for clarifying :)